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Joseph Marchand


Joseph Marchand is a Professor of Economics within the Department of Economics at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He serves as Director of the Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research (ACLMR) and as Co-Director of the Institute for Public Economics (IPE). He had served as Director of WELM-Arts, a Signature Area of Research and Creative Collaboration in Work, Employment, and Labour Markets.

Professor Marchand is best known for his research and teaching of labour economics, such as on aging, energy booms and busts, minimum wages, and mortality. His goal is to enhance the understanding of labour markets through greater access to higher quality information for the most people.

His research has been published in labour journals, such as Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) Review, the Journal of Economic Inequality, Labour Economics, and the Journal of Urban Economics; policy journals, such as ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science and the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management; general economics journals, such as the Canadian Journal of Economics and the Journal of Economic Surveys; economics of aging journals, such as the Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging and the Journals of Gerontology; and shorter journals, such as Applied Economics Letters and Economics Letters.

His teaching of labour economics to both undergraduate and graduate students (ECON 331, 431, 431-531, 531) guides his development of a new labour economics textbook for the Canadian and North American market. He has also previously taught intermediate microeconomics (ECON 281) and courses on the creation of economics research (ECON 591, 900, 999).

His service has been to the Government of Alberta, as Chair of the Minimum Wage Expert Panel, and the Senate of Canada, as Expert Witness to the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance. He is also the editor of weekly New Economics Papers (NEP) reports in labour economics and labor markets, and his department’s working paper series.

Joseph has degrees from Rutgers University (BA), New York University (MA), and Syracuse University (PhD). He has held research positions at Princeton University, Columbia University, and Syracuse University, and visiting positions at the University of Wisconsin Madison, University of Toronto, and the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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